Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow Days

We will be making up snow days on Feb. 21, 22 and 23rd.
So our winter break will just be one day, Feb 24th - no school on that day.

Friends Party and Mid-Winter Themes

On February 14th at 11:45-12:15 the children will celebrate friendship with games, poems, and songs. Parents are welcome to join us and be a part of the fun. Bring Valentines to share! Making valentines is a great project to do at home, and the store-bought valentines with fun pictures are enjoyed by the children as well. So bring whichever is the most fun for your family and child. We will have lunch before the party. I will have a tray for fruit at the party. Please bring a fruit to share. Are you inspired to cut pretty shapes out of fruit or arrange a special plate? That would be great. We will not be having cake or candy.

Valentine's Day offers a wonderful opportunity to gather all we've been learning about being good friends: using friendly words for requests, using polite words such as "please" and "thank you," using our strong voice instead of hitting, listening and responding, negotiating sharing agreements (ex."when can it be my turn?" "I'm almost finished, then you can have it.")taking turns, and, my favorite, asking for help when it is needed. Friends laugh and have fun, and they sometimes cry, and sometimes they fight and make-up. We celebrate being human and all the things we can feel and all the choices we have. We celebrate the joy of being together, the things we have in common and all our differences, too.

Other themes that we have been playing with are houses and homes, for people and animals; staying warm and cozy in the cold; stars and moon, and lighting up the long, dark nights of winter.

The scarf and costume basket has been opened every day lately and we have pale blue for the sky and the element of air with a variety of whistles, red and orange for fire with shakers, drums and stomping with brown and green for earth, and blue silky fabric for water that the children have been surfing and swimming in! Lovely improvisational dancing and music.

As we move into spring, we of course will notice growing things, including the children! As you may have heard from your child, playing doctor has been a favorite game. This leads beautifully into our spring-time focus on body-awareness and all that we can do, and what makes me healthy and strong.

I hope I see everyone on the 14th!